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LSU Center Offers School Safety Training to Louisiana K-12 Schools
LSU Media Center

Active shooter training conducted at Training Center Petaluma
Coast Guard Compass

A Participant's Take on the Active Threat Integrated Response Course
In October, LSU NCBRT/ACE delivered the Active Threat Integrated Response Course to all Menlo Park police and fire department personnel in Menlo Park, CA. A couple San Francisco Fire paramedics also attended the class. Below, one paramedic shares what he learned in the course.

Savannah Police participate in 'advanced active shooter training'
Connect Savannah

YCSO active shooter
Yuma Sun

Instructor Recounts Use of Rescue Task Force Concept During Response to Active Shooter Event
On November 12, 2018, Matthew Propp, who is an LSU NCBRT/ACE instructor and a New Mexico paramedic, responded to an active shooter event at the Ben E. Keith company warehouse in South Albuquerque. Propp recounts his experience using the rescue task force concept in response to this event.