Recent News

LSU’s NCBRT/ACE Preparing Campuses Nationwide to Combat Threats
LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education, or NCBRT/ACE, has launched a new training course aimed at combating threats on campuses throughout the nation.

LSU NCBRT/ACE Enhances the Safety of 122,000 Louisiana School Children Through Emergency Management Training Program
In the first year of its Grants to States for School Emergency Management, or GSEM, program, LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counterterrorist Education, or NCBRT/ACE, evaluated crisis plans for 204 schools, enhancing the safety of more than 122,000 Louisiana school children and the school staff and education professionals who serve them.

LSU Emergency Training Center Awarded Multi-Million Dollar Homeland Security Grant
The Department of Homeland Security has awarded $22 million to Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (LSU NCBRT/ACE) through the Department's Homeland Security National Training Program.

Schools Ramp Up Efforts to Plan, Prepare for Emergency
Schools Ramp Up Efforts to Plan, Prepare for Emergency

LSU NCBRT/ACE Continues to Expand Active Shooter Training
Active shooter attacks have become part of our awareness; however, increased awareness of a problem does not ensure preparedness or appropriate response tactics. LSU NCBRT/ACE provides training that strengthens the response capabilities of participants in preparation for a potential active threat incident.

Run. Hide. Fight. LSU Employees Learn Active Threat Response
On Friday, the day before Hurricane Barry blew into Baton Rouge, LSU employees and staff who registered for a course conducted by LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (LSU NCBRT/ACE) gathered at Peabody Hall on the LSU campus.

National Sheriffs' Association Recognizes LSU's NCBRT/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education's Active Shooter Training
LSU's National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education, or LSU NCBRT/ACE, law enforcement training program has recently been recognized as a high-quality training program by the National Sheriffs' Association.