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LSU NCBRT Preparedness Podcast

LSU NCBRT Preparedness Podcast

The LSU National Center for Biomedical Research and Training is a nationally recognized center for emergency preparedness and response training located at Louisiana State University’s flagship campus. We have provided high-quality, federally-certified training to America’s emergency responders about prevention, response and recovery from biological incidents since 1998. Each week on the LSU NCBRT Preparedness Podcast, we’ll bring in some of the nation’s top experts to cover different aspects of COVID-19 relating public health and public safety.

COVID-19 Roll Call Training

COVID-19 Roll Call Training

LSU NCBRT/ACE has developed a COVID-19 Roll Call Training for law enforcement that addresses officer safety during the COVID-19 outbreak.

LSU NCBRT/ACE Announces Partnership with New Mexico Spaceport Authority

LSU NCBRT/ACE Announces Partnership with New Mexico Spaceport Authority

The Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (LSU NCBRT/ACE) continues to expand its emergency response training and expertise to state, local, tribal and territorial jurisdictions. Now, LSU NCBRT/ACE is expanding its training to another jurisdiction: the space travel business.

LSU NCBRT Actively Developing Coronavirus Prevention and Response Trainings

LSU NCBRT Actively Developing Coronavirus Prevention and Response Trainings

LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training, or LSU NCBRT, is actively working to help the nation combat the potential threat of COVID-19, the disease caused by what is commonly known as the coronavirus.

NDPC Releases the 2019 Annual Report

NDPC Releases the 2019 Annual Report

The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium has released the 2019 Annual Report.

LSU NCBRT/ACE Instructor Named Head of International Police Education and Training Committee

LSU NCBRT/ACE Instructor Named Head of International Police Education and Training Committee

The International Association of Chiefs of Police has named Roy H. Bethge as the chair of the organization’s Education and Training Committee. Bethge is a retired deputy chief of the Buffalo Grove Police Department in Buffalo Grove, Ill. and currently serves as a lead instructor for LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counterterrorist Education.

LSU NCBRT/ACE Announces Affiliation with LaSpace, Prepares for New Frontiers

LSU NCBRT/ACE Announces Affiliation with LaSpace, Prepares for New Frontiers

The National Center for Biomedical Research and Training Academy of Counter Terrorist Education, or NCBRT/ACE, is announcing its affiliation with The Louisiana Space Grant Consortium, or LaSpace, the Louisiana chapter of the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.

Active Shooter Training Involves Region’s Police, EMTs, Fire

Active Shooter Training Involves Region’s Police, EMTs, Fire

LSU NCBRT/ACE presents course in Cottonwood, Idaho.

LSU NCBRT/ACE in the News, Receives Congressional Recognition

LSU NCBRT/ACE in the News, Receives Congressional Recognition

Assoc. Dir. for Research & Development Jerry Monier was interviewed by Brian Haldane of "Mornings with Brian Haldane" on Talk 107.3 on 11/19/2019. They spoke about the recent Congressional recognition given to LSU National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) by United States Congressman Harley Rouda of California.

LSU NCBRT/ACE Receives Congressional Honor for Training and Support of Emergency Responders

LSU NCBRT/ACE Receives Congressional Honor for Training and Support of Emergency Responders

LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/ Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education, or NCBRT/ACE, was honored recently to receive special recognition from United States Congressman Harley Rouda of California. Rep. Rouda, a member of the Subcommittee on National Security, attended LSU NCBRT/ACE’s Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks, or CCA, course on Saturday, Nov. 9, in Seal Beach, California. He presented a Congressional Certificate of Recognition to LSU NCBRT/ACE for training and support of the nation’s emergency responders.